Name: Mo Diaz

Years painting: 15 years
Favorite color: Brandywine candy
What motivated you to start in this field?
My motivation comes from growing up watching people custom paint. Since I was a kid, I loved seeing what they were doing in California and for a long time I wanted to bring something similar in style to the east coast. I had never seen anybody in my area doing the type of quality jobs that they were doing out west and I’ve been lucky enough to be able to support my family doing what I love.

If you weren't painting, what would be a plan B for your career?
If I wasn't painting I wouldn’t know what I would do! If it came down to it, I’d probably go work for a high-end paint shop but that would be a last resort decision. I think that I would still figure out a way to keep painting and pinstriping. I can’t even think about not painting; it’s in my blood.

Contact info for custom paint work:
Instagram: @mos_image_customs
