Name: Czar Zamora

Years painting: 25 years
Favorite color: Green

What motivated you to start in this field?
As a kid I used to flip through all these magazines and see a bunch of cool shit. I always knew that was what I wanted to do, so I started trying to teach myself whenever I got the chance. I knew nothing about paint or pinstriping, but that didn’t stop me from trying. My dad bought an old piece of shit $200 car that I used to practice on every day after school with car paint and a touch up brush. I was always fascinated by pinstriping and had a drive to never give up. I would look for inspiration in magazines and read as much tech articles as possible to get insight. (Long before the days of YouTube lol). I soaked up any and all knowledge possible. Then in my early teen years I was lucky enough to meet some badass artists to learn from who gave me the spark that I needed to start my career. Ever since I have never given up trying to perfect myself and constantly evolve.
If you weren't painting what would be a plan B for your career? Psychologist.

Contact info for custom paint work:
Instagram @czar_mmd / MasterMind Designs