Name: Jason Feltham
Years painting :3
Favorite color: Lime Green
What motivated you to start in this field?
I started painting as an experiment, I wanted to learn how to do metal flake to paint my own hotrod project’s roof. I started small and painted a couple yeti tumblers as a test. We took them to a car show and people asked if I could make them one. Within months I was filing for an LLC and quit my day job at the time diving headfirst into the world of custom paint. My motivation is to keep pushing myself and learning each and every day. I strive to continue progressing and getting better. I like to mix styles and create my own. Sometimes all the motivation needed is to see how far I have come in such a short time, and how much I have accomplished. What started as a daydream has turned into my reality, but not without hard work and practice.
If you weren't painting what would be a plan B for your career?
If I never picked up that paint gun a couple of years ago, I would most likely still be tig welding in a fabrication shop. I am just a certified welder that likes to paint!

Contact info for custom paint work:
Instagram: @feltham_fab
Facebook: Feltham Fabrication